Friday, September 5, 2008

Ask and you shall receive !!!

My friends the crack research team came through for you.

My friends we here at 5 cents today are happy to report that we have continued our winning ways with College Football that is right two games (last weekend and yesterday) and we are happy to report that we are 2 and 0 baby.

As for the NFL we started the season off with a bang a winner with the under in the opening game.

My friends lets discuss why my crack research team is so dedicated to you my loyal members. The South Carolina total opened at 42 ½ the line dropped to 42 almost immediately during the week the line stayed steady at 42 and then dropped to 41 ½. My crack research staff was monitoring the trend and made the well-informed decision to take the under. My friend this was the correct move at the correct time; as right before kick off the line made the final drop to 41. My friends as you know the total outcome for the game was 41. This my friend is why you need 5 cents today on your side.

Today’s selection back to MLB and the Tampa Bay Rays
As we say here at 5 cents today other sites give you their 2 cents, here you get the whole As always please check out our sponsors, for without the sponsors there would be no 5 cents today

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